
strive to create difference

Line Following Robots

Welcome to this new era of technology where machines use their wit & intelligence to take decisions, and carry out their daily tasks. LFR is no exception which is a miniature model of it. An LFR (Line Following Robot) follows a particular path using various sensors whereas a maze solver traverses through complex mazes. A real-life example, that is implemented in warehouses of large tech giants like Amazon, AliBaba, etc. This helps students brush up their logic building using complex path planning algorithms.


Love the sound of a roaring engine? The smell of burning fuel? Then RC Car is here for you. An RC Car is a nitro-engine car that accelerates within seconds to breathtaking speeds that is tough to follow. The fuel used is nitromethyle, that appetizes the hunger of a FormulaOne. This raging hobby is for the speed demons seeking some serious kickstart. Enthusiastic rookies can churn their driving skills, make jumps & turns, and catch some air with full throttle to unleash their fang


Nowdays, aeromodeling is one of the most exciting and enjoyable hobbies in existence and making your own RC Plane is like a dream come true for all those young rookies who always dream to fly and conquer the sky. An RC plane inheriting all the dynamics of an actual aircraft, gives you the real excitement of an "AIR FORCE ONE" pilot while flying it. From gliding smoothly in the air to reaching raging velocities, it uses the perfect balance of the four forces lift, drag, weight and thrust to fly like an eagle in the sky.